
This is a chronicle of a young woman who has chronicled her life in notebooks she had made herself and suddenly discovered the availability of Blogs and how she could share a part of her secret self to the virtual community.

6:13 pm

07. Caste System of Siblings by Birth Right

Posted by Leto of Blood

It's been a long time before I have ever managed to update my blog. I guess I'm too busy working. Too much of it made me a dull witch. Why so? I have this very bad habit of bringing work home and it disrupts everything that I intend to do when I get home.

I think I'm luckier than most of my siblings because I was never told to do any chore at home. Nothing is expected of me. I come home whenever I please, play with my dogs or just stay in my room after coming from work. I'd eat after I have cooked whatever I want. I take it as privilege of being first born. My youngest brother would always complain how I get away with it. For example, my dad would ask me to take out the trash. I would look for someone other than my sibling to do it for me, like the housemaid. If no one is around, the youngest sibling that I'd see would do it for me. In our house, I do the light stuff: massaging my mum's forehead until she sleeps, combing my dad's gray hair until he sleeps, giving "reality checks" to the nuisance that surrounds any of my family members, going to the bank or paying the utilities (credit cards or phone bills). I think that's the benefit of working hard - you have enough money to pay for the life you want to live.

That's what I always say to my youngest sibling, especially when he complains about the injustice of it all. But I try to make up for all his hard labor and patience. We often go out to eat, especially on pay day. When he decided that he does not want to have the typical "Saint Clair" tummy - bulging even in famine, he got into buying tight fitting shirts so that our other brothers won't bother to wear it.

Right now, I'm very happy that we have an internet connection that will enable me to blog all my free hours at home. Hooray!