
This is a chronicle of a young woman who has chronicled her life in notebooks she had made herself and suddenly discovered the availability of Blogs and how she could share a part of her secret self to the virtual community.

1:59 pm

My First Sony Experience is with the Sony Walkman

Posted by Leto of Blood

My initial fixation with music gadgets started in the mid-80's. I was turning into a "tween" - not a child but definitely not a teenager. It was a frustrating time for me because I had been dropped out of the piano class because my fingers have been infested with stubborn eczema (an allergic skin condition that makes my fingertips dry and flaky - often oozing with blood or just too painful to articulate). Worse, my dexterous sister's breezed through the program effortlessly. She's studying how to play the guitar by herself. Since she can sing well (she's a crowd favorite in singing contests) and play her own musical instrument, she's "cool." That time, I want to be cool like her. I want to play music and sing along to the music I play. After all, in our class, nobody in school had the talent my sister's got. I assumed that since I have almost the same gene pool as my sister, I must be musically talented too - but having eczema inhibited that dream from being physically possible.

So I contented myself with listening to the radio and all the cassette tapes that my cousin from Kuwait sends every month. I love listening to New Wave (Duran Duran, Culture Club, Wham, etc.) and Pop (Madonna, Cindy Lauper, Michael Jackson, etc.). I would save money from my allowance and buy blank tapes to record their songs from the radio. I would write down the lyrics in an old notebook and write stories about it. Eventually, I was able to use these recordings whenever we have a school presentation - making me the official disc jockey(?) of our class. I know which song will fit the mood of a particular event/scene/moment. My friends loved me for that uncanny ability. I became "cool." The problem with being "cool" is that I have classmates who would ask me for a particular song for this particular event and they haven't heard of it. I would lend them a recording of the song so that they could play it on their bulky home stereos but it's rarely returned. That's frustrating so I started keeping all the song recordings to myself - which is a little lonely when I can't share it with people who will appreciate it.

On my 11th birthday, my cousin came home from Kuwait and she had a present for me. It was a Sony Walkman! I was ecstatic! At first, I was scared to use it because it looked expensive in its shiny black casing. It had FM/AM function, recording function, a built in speaker and mic. I can record from any FM/AM program or lecture anywhere, anytime. I stocked up on AA batteries and blank tapes. It had a belt clip which was like having music on the move anywhere. I felt liberated. That walkman (I'm sorry I can't remember it's exact model code)experienced it's utmost (ab)use in my last two years in grade school. I record lectures when I cannot write on my notebook because of my eczema. I play the recorded music for our mini-dramas in English and Filipino class. I would bring it to school on intramural, school fairs, field demonstrations to relieve my boredom. My friends and I would hang out in the school grounds during recess listening to a radio program or just raving about the newest pop song. I had replaced the headphones a lot of times, it got scratches on its body, it ate a lot of casette tapes, it got wet in the rain, it fell off my waist a lot of times, etc. but my sturdy walkman lives on.

When I got to high school, I reluctantly parted ways with my walkman. My cousin's brother borrowed it from me when he went to the province to work. I never got it back. He got married, had kids and relocated to another place. I heard that it's still being used as their bedroom radio, its casette function had conked out. Sometimes, I still remember my old sony walkman. It witnessed the carefree innocence of my "tween" transition. Whenever I hear a particular song from the 80's, it takes me back in time when I still had my walkman and witnessing milestones in life unfold. I had since graduated from the casette walkman to the CD walkman in college.

New generation MP3's from Sony are good. In fact, I'm thinking of buying one from their portable music player NWZ-series that has noise canceling properties. It would be nice to get lost in the music again, just like when I had my casette walkman (with maximum volume), without damage to my ears. Aside from that, the series has ample storage - for all the music I would ever need and the power needed to play them over and over again. Instead of buying lots of casette tapes/writable CDs, all I have to do is to drag them from my laptop to the MP3 player. I don't need to stock up on AA batteries either - with a charging time of half an hour, you get 2/3rds of your day filled with nonstop music you like. It also retained the FM tuner and recording function that I initally fell for with the casette walkman. Isn't that so(ny) amazing?

It definitely gave significance in my life just like the Sony’s World’s First Noise Canceling Portable Music Player: NWZ-S730 Series which I will enjoy in the (very near) future.

5:41 pm

From Windfall To Nest Egg

Posted by Leto of Blood

When I got to work this afternoon, Magdalene, my co-worker, asked me what kind of news would I like to hear before I go on my day-off for the weekend. Of course I chose to hear the bad news first because the good news will definitely cheer me up for the weekend.

So she told me the bad news: there won't be any Christmas Party. I was crestfallen. This was supposed to be my first Christmas Party for the company. I could not understand why the Boss was able to splurge on a first class resort for our company outing yet would not spend a cent for the company christmas. Magdalene would tell me absurd parlor games, fabulous tales about the raffle prizes, the various delicacies that would be laid out on the table - buffet style, or the contents of the christmas basket. She would recall how the employees had to hire a cab to get home because they've got a lot of gifts and cash to bring home to their family. I guess, with the American recession and all the bad sales we've been having recently cost us this important event.

Magdalene must have seen how disappointed I was. She told me the good news next: the 13th month pay will be given on the Immaculate Conception while the year-end bonus will be distributed on the Feast of the Holy Innocents. The former would be my whole salary for a month (which isn't much) while the latter about half my salary (which isn't much either). That cheered me up a bit...but then, since my fringe benefits are really "fringe" of whatever benefit there is to have from the company. After all, it's my hard-earned money. I'm entitled to do whatever I want with it...but somehow, I want to use it smartly.

Where do I start?

1. Save up

I would most definitely do this. Perhaps 25% of the bonus I'll get will go to savings. Uriel and I call it "hidden wealth" because it tends to remain hidden unless a necessity requires it to be dug up and consumed. I'm not a hypocrite, I love spending money in one go...but having a secret stash tickles me to death.

2. Settle debts

Some of this money might go to my credit card bills and all the other debts that I have accumulated for 2008. I will start first with ones that have high interest rates - like my credit cards, then probably the remaining balances from the house utilities, and finally, the small debts that I have from friends and relatives.

3. Invest on

A portion of this money might go to investments. I have read about Mr. Colayco's tabloid articles about investments. I have also researched about what to do with big money, if I ever got the chance. I understand that treasury bills have the lowest risk since the government is liable to them. However, I'm still contemplating on investing on stocks, get an insurance plan or simply put the money on time deposit. Money in stocks are definitely high risk but with high returns. Time deposits are a little like putting money for safekeeping until a certain period of time. Insurance plans a little risky - I don't have regular flow of extra cash so I'm afraid that I might not get my money back.

4. Share it

If there's something left, I might as well share this windfall with others. Having secured my future self with various money-saving schemes, I would like to spend some of my money helping others. Although I would have liked to give some money to charity (like filthy rich people who seek heaven's indulgence,) I don't think I have to go that far. There are many relatives and friends that might need a little help for the holidays. It may not be cash, but most probably just being there.

Spending the remaining half gives me shivers...but in a good way! I am contemplating on spending the remaining half....

1. on my well being

There are a lot of affordable, quality massage parlors at the West Wing where I work. Uriel and I have been looking forward to having a Lymphatic Massage and Ear Candling which both focuses on detoxification.

A quick visit to the dentist will also do. Uriel's been complaining about toothaches lately. It might be the faulty amalgam fillings again. I think I need a fluoride treatment and good old dental prophylaxis. There's been plaque build-up on my canines recently.

If I have extra cash, I'd go for a hair spa and drastic haircut. I love having my hair treated with extensive moisturizing because it definitely does wonders for my hair. After I've had my hair "murdered" by a homosexual parlor assistant, I think I deserve it. Uriel has been yearning for the haircut that fits him.

It's number 1 on my list because I believe that if I look good, I feel good. If I feel good, I am more productive at work and in play.

2. on my betterment

I have learned to teach myself Hangguk (Korean language) after I had dropped out of it when I was in college. It has been useful because even before the "Korean Explosion" in the Philippines, I have taught English phonics (for a price) to quite a number of Korean children who have never read or written western alphabet. It proved particularly useful when I started teaching older Koreans how to speak English. They usually speak out their minds in Korean and I reply in English.

Uriel wants to study business English for the holidays while I want to study Mandarin. After all, there are more Mandarin-speaking businessmen'll never know what opportunity awaits me. Besides, my background in Hangguk will definitely help me master this course - especially in the vocabulary part. Uriel wants to master business English because I've been acting his secretary for so long that I have somehow been speaking for his behalf - making him feel powerless. I was gladdened that he has admitted to this deficiency recently.

3. on a greed gift

I confess...I am a gadget lover. Whatever it is, as long as it makes my life bearable...I'll save up to buy it. This latter part of the year, I have been eyeing two items that would qualify as a "greed gift": a portable music player that has multifunction (camera, music player, dictionary, video cam, calculator, voice recorder and game console) and expandable memory; the other one is a china-made television phone - it has all the features of the music player with calling capabilities. If ever i get to buy one of these - I will be my own personal Santa.

Uriel's been telling me to get the "greed gift" off my list. Christmas, is for giving and not for greed-ing. Of course, I defended my future "greed gift." I told him that since we're too grown-up for Santa, a greed gift is one item that one doesn't really need but desperately wanted. The fact is, a greed gift allows me to indulge in my cravings and will be a tangible reward that I will cherish over and over till Christmas comes again.

4. on improving our bedroom
Uriel and I live in a big house (4 bedrooms, 3 toilets and a 4-car garage). Far too big for us because we work almost two-thirds of our waking hours. The bedroom, aside from the kitchen is the most walked on place in our house. It needs new curtains (probably something sheer and green), good, clean window scrubbing, new water pipes for the bedroom toilet, and new linen.

I chose to improve the bedroom because I have read studies that says that better sleep means better work performance. Besides, I need a clean bedroom otherwise my asthma might strike once more.

5. on my loved ones

Uriel has been on my list far long enough. I guess I will spend some money on my family. Marriage has taken its toll in family relations. I rarely call/go home - unlike Uriel, who comes and goes to his parents every time he feels like going. Since I work most of the time, I rarely talk to them especially when my mind is too preoccupied with work and housekeeping.

I guess I'll buy my parents a gift - probably a blouse for my mum and a set of nice undies for my dad. For my brothers, I'll definitely give them undies too. My sister, Josette, who's been under a lot of stress lately and usually hooked in blogging, maybe something techie rekated. For my nephews, something unbreakable for Louis while I might think of something smarty for Claudius. Magdalene should also get something but I have to fish out a nice bag from the "tiangge" for her.

As Uriel puts it, investment on friends reap rewards in amazing and totally unexpected ways.

6. on travel

My brother-in-law, Jacques, from Australia, is spending Christmas here. However, he's been way too bored moping at home so Uriel has been playing with the thought of going to the mountains anytime after Christmas or before New Year. My husband and I have always reveled at the relaxing ambiance of mountain air and the exhilarating feeling of scaling its heights. The quiet, foggy nights with the roaring bonfire might do us good.

Since I'm in charge of planning, we intend to go to Sagada and Bontoc - home of the rice terraces. We have a collective budget of 30 grand, for 4 days 3 nights (excluding travel which takes about 18 hours to and fro)of pure exploration. These two have never been there, considering that their ancestors comes from the Northern Provinces. That would be one memorable trip.

7. on a collection

Unknown to many, I have a varied collection: I collect grimoires (pronounced /grɪˈmwɑr/). These are textbooks of magic. Books of this kind of genre, typically gives instructions for invoking angels or demons, performing divination and gaining magical powers, have circulated throughout Europe since the Middle Ages.
and usually kept hidden from sight during the Inquisition. They cost a lot but I splurge whenever I can find one because their prices go up - especially when a solitary practitioner or a coven looks them up.

If I have enough time, I might hunt for one during vacation. Do I read them? Yes, I do. I use them when applicable. Enough said.

8. on broadening the mind

I buy books that tickle my imagination. I have helped my brother build up his Harry Potter Collection (from Book 1 to Book 7) all hardbound. Since I read faster than he is, I usuallly read it first (aside from the fact that I financed it). Maybe this season, I'll look for another book to collect - Twilight series, perhaps.

8:05 pm

Top 10 Pinoy-Friendly Countries

Posted by Leto of Blood

Last Sunday, I watched "Ang Pinaka" at QTV11 here in the Philippines. It's a show that lists every imaginable topic that could interest a typical Pinoy/Pinay. I watched this particular episode because I know for sure that many would definitely be interested. Filipinos are explorers by nature. Besides, many viewers of the show might have been traveling back to the Metro around the time it was aired. So, to do you all a favor, here's the list.

10. Spain

Many Filipinos will see Spain as the country's longest colonizer. They are credited for "discovering" the Philippines in history books. As such, their customs, food and culture are similar to Filipinos. Think of the lechon, mechado, paella and menudo and you'd realize that our taste buds aren't really that different. The dreaded "siesta" for children originated from this country. Think of the extreme reverence Filipinos have shown to their patron saints and fiestas. Spain has temperate climate compared to the rest of Europe. It's not that extreme for the tropical inclined Pinoys. Aside from that, since we grew up with syndicated Spanish words in our dictionary, we have very little adjustment to the language. One might have problem with the grammar but the vocabulary will tide you just fine. A popular moonlighting source of income is teaching Spaniards English, which is the Philippines' second language.

9. New Zealand

It is said that 17, ooo (approximately) Filipinos migrated to this country according to the POEA. It is the literal "green pasteur" that every probinsyano has ever dreamed of. Think of lush green grass covering the countryside (and not the typical local mall) and lots of cattle grazing. This is the country where there are more animals than people. Its government wanted to populate its vast tracts of land with skilled laborers (both professionals and vocationals). The temperaments of the local Maoris are the same as the Filipinos since they have close-knit family relations and of course, the migrant Pinoy will not have any difficulty communicating since he'll be using English. Aside from that, those accustomed to the smogs of Manila will revel in the cleanliness of the air and the safe playgrounds it will provide to your young.

8. Austria

It places 8th in the POEA list because approximately 22,000 Pinoys live here permanently. This part of Europe is the central location for the "Sound of Music" surrounded by its mountains and bordered by rich European countries. This is the place for the artistic Pinoy since it's a melting pot of European culture. However, this is the last place in Europe where one would expect really warm reception from the locals.

7. Germany

It was a bit surprising when I learned that there are approximately 42,000 Filipinos permanently living in Germany and that Asians are the third largest number of migrants in this country. What makes Germany tick with Filipinos? Generally, its technical field more advanced. Most of the best car and musical instrument manufacturers are based here. Filipinos will feel secure in their good transport system (nice roads, good traffic), no under the table transaction because everything is orderly and systematic. Engineers of all sorts come here. The major glitch that these professionals would have to overcome? The language.

6. Guam

To be near the Philippines, yet live in America is a dream come true for the 43,000 Pinoys who live in Guam. It's an island near the Marianas where its main economy depends on the influx of tourists. Hospitality graduates (chefs, baristas, waiters, masseuse, chambermaids, etc.) will find heaven as there are lots of hotels to work for. The country's proximity to the homeland makes its climate and landscape similar therefore, less adjustment on the clothes you need to wear. Albeit similar in physical aspects, the country's infrastructure is highly Americanized. Aside from that, Filipinos will not be bothered by the local Chamorros since they exhibit similar temperament.

5. United Kingdom

The country that holds the world's oldest surviving monarchy had a small and aging population until the 2oth century made it to the top 5. Approximately 52,000 Filipinos live there. They are usually composed of medical professionals who get paid well. Although Brits are known for their snobbish and cold demeanor, they are less likely to exhibit discrimination since half of the country's population are migrants. Filipinos would endure frozen food and cold winters in the UK because of it's almighty "Pound." It never dips below Php 60.00 since 1995.

4. Japan

Surprisingly, Japan almost made it to the top 3. With approximately 83,000 strong Filipinos living permanently in this country (therefore producing more "Nikkeijin" or half blood Japanese offsprings). Filipino professionals abound here because of the high demand in technology (think engineering and other related to electronics). Aside from that, migrants are comforted by the fact that there are many job opportunities for the spatially intelligent as well as a strong economy. The country is clean (they try to be as environment friendly as possible using the latest technology) and its people orderly and respectful. Don't be fooled, since there is high incidence of racial discrimination (despite being Asian and all!) because the Japanese take pride in their bloodlines. Having lots of Pinay Japayukis doesn't help. Aside from that, one has to learn the language (primarily writing and reading) and put up with its high cost of living.

3. Australia

Around 18th century, the eastern half of Australia was a penal colony for Britain's prisoners. Around the 70's there was large scale migration for skilled foreigners due to small and aging local population. There are lots of work opportunities available to new migrants (no work is too small or too menial because they get paid by the hour). It is a socialist country (free healthcare, education, etc.) and a melting pot of culture. Although there are some discrimination in some parts (think of rural areas). Approximately 212,000 Filipinos have the advantage as they pose career threats to other foreign migrants since they speak and understand English.

2. Canada

Among all the Queen's dominions, this country has the most liberal migration law. It was due to the fact that they have sudden surge of geriatric population compared to the young, working ones. They are in need of skilled migrants to move their economy. It is a safe, clean, orderly place for growing migrant families. There is an increase Asian population. Approximately 212,000 Filipinos live here permanently which makes it a prime Pinoy-friendly country.

1. USA

It is the proverbial "land of milk and honey." 2.27 million Pinoys can blend in with lifestyle because of their exposure to the American culture experience (Hollywood movies of course!). This country has more benefits for older, retired personnel and one can have 2 jobs at a time. As they say, nothing is impossible here since more jobs available for hard workers. Many of the Filipino migrants usually study then work there eventually.